It really does! So much has happened since my last post! I hardly know where to start:)'s a great place to start.....
Jeremiah is now in Kindergarten and is loving every minute of it! I'm so impressed with his willingness to learn. Every day for him is like an adventure. He loves the school district that he is in now and has made a really great group of friends. Honestly.....he melts my heart:)
This picture was from a couple of months ago. I just can't get over how fast he grows!!!
As far as weaving goes.....well.....I can say that I've pumped up the productivity, since that was the New Year's resolution, and it has really paid off! It's almost like everything that comes off the loom gets sold. Trust me......I'm NOT complaining! :) This is a problem I love to have:) I had a very nice couple stop into the studio and leave with all but three sets of towels! Woo hoo! And the Woodstock Byrdcliffe Guild has all of my table settings! What's a girl to do? .......weave more!
I have a half woven set of towels on the loom. Next time I'll be sure to calculate better for I have to wait for more white. Oops.
And on the other loom, I've got a set of silk scarves going with a beige warp, brown, black, and green wefts. So far so good!
I've mentioned that I've teamed with with Lynn of New Prospect Pottery in past posts. We've come up with a line of custom table settings called Our Table (some items currently on display at the Woodstock Byrdcliffe Gallery). Together we've made such a great team. There is inspiration, laughter, life issues, plans, color theory, lunches, and plenty of 'we can do this' talks. Doing plenty of shows together has shown us that we can really work this thing. We've gotten a great response, sales are up from last year.......big time.....,'s just working. We decided to apply to the Woodstock/New Paltz Craft Fair. A heavily juried show. An expensive show. A well attended show. A high sale day show. I think we sent in our applications with no expectations in mind. If we got accepted, fine. If not, fine. I think the day that I got the acceptance letter back, I cried a little, then jumped up and down clapping my hands like a mad woman! We are in! Woo hoo!!! I can't wait to see how it goes:)
Until next time!
Nanette :):):)