There really is no greater therapy than creating. There is something to be said when one can take time to create something and sit back and look at the results and be pleased. I've been working through my stash of yarn and am nearing the end of it. I'm getting to the colors that I'm not very fond of which is, in turn, making me look at the finished products and thinking 'meh'. This last run of tencel scarves had me feeling that way. I much prefer using rich colors as opposed to muted tones because the results are always pleasing to the eye. Though these scarves have great luster due to the fiber content, they just lack the 'wow' I like to say when I'm finished. Switching gears and heading over to my Glimakra, I've decided to go with a run of waffle weave towels. Since I don't have any unmercerized cotton left, I'm working with 5/2 mercerized cotton in teal and natural. As I ...