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Showing posts from November, 2007

Ahhhhhhh!!! The Holiday Rush!!!

Tis the season!!! This has been a wonderful year so far and the holidays have just started. We have had several shows this year and I'm happy to say that the last two completely blew my mind!!! It has simply amazed me at how more and more people are buying handmade. I'm not just talking about people who create but, the public as a whole. This truly is wonderful news!!! We are done with shows for this year so I'm hoping to update this blog again on a weekly basis. For right now I just wanted to share some photos:) That's the best part anyway, right? :) Peach Fizz:) Mmmmmmmmm !!! Go Urs !!! Root beer Float!!! Mmmmmmm !!! Go Urs......ummmm....I'm noticing a pattern here;) Jewels:) For someone special, I'm sure;) Some of the yarn out on display:)


We have a revised company vision, really that is a good thing. "Where the people have no vision, they perish." There has been so much going on in the month of October that I really don't know where to start. Perhaps I should just sum it up........'Business is good!!!'. There. That aught to do it. In the next couple of months there will be some changes to Sunrise Lodge Fiber Studio's main site to reflect some of the changes that have been taking place internally. Some of the pages will be changed and moved around. Please, by no means, consider the fact that we are changing a bad thing. It's just that we are growing and need to move things accordingly. In February we will be one year on line and I'm happy to say that it has been a wonderful year!!! Next year will be even better. The lack of posting in the blog is due to time restraints at this time of the year that so many crafters are familiar with. Shows, supplies and demand, the change of weather, sc...