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Showing posts from October, 2016

Back to Waves and Water

     It's been a while since I've woven and I figured going back to where the design started would be a great place to re-begin.  Waves and Water was one of my first successful and weavable designs.  I have a bunch of 20/2 tencel in white, some in yellow fleck, and some in browns that I've been staring at for a couple of years.  I think that the yellow will be a beautiful compliment and should shimmer next to the stark white and of course the brown will be much more bold and warm.  I've counted the ends...434 to be exact...and now I'm gearing up to warp the loom!  I can't wait!       This is the current loom set up!  The Megado is happy positioned in my massive hallway that is currently doubling as my studio space.  With 13' ceilings and a bright airy sunny room, I just can't wait to get going on this project!       A view from the loom towards the living room.  Ou...