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Showing posts from June, 2007

Waffle Waffle Waffle

Waffle weave is my favorite weave structure. Here is you can see, if you have been reading, the 'waffle weave' scarves were very flat with little to no texture. After wet finishing them, which is simply done by a light hand wash, the texture 'pops' out of the fabric. These scarves will be for sale on within the next two weeks. On a spinning note, here is the latest from the white alpaca. There is almost a bobbin full of beautiful singles for the baby booties.

Clean up for Vacation

Sunrise Lodge Fiber Studio will be closed from noon July 2nd to Saturday July 7th.....kind of. :) As much as I try, the work comes with me. Not that I really consider the part that comes with me work. I have set goals for the studio since last week was not a full production week. Before the start of vacation, all items must be off of all looms, hand washed, labeled, inventoried. Also the studio has to be cleaned from top to bottom........I hate an unorganized studio and I certainly do not want to come back to excessive dust:) Fortunately, only two looms had projects on them and as of last night, they were both empty. The purple towels have been completed and I will be posting the finished pictures once they have been hemmed and washed. The waffle weave scarves came off of the loom last night. They are beautiful and have a ton of character. Here are some updated photos which were taken before they were hand washed. The second picture is taken slightly from the side so that way you can s...

Away from the Loom

I've got to be honest....I've been away from the loom. I've been throwing only a few picks here and a few picks there, here a pick, there a pick. I wish I could say everywhere a pick pick. Perhaps it's the times that I am at the loom that I want to spin and the times that I'm spinning that I wish I was at the loom.......quite honestly, I have been spinning!!! Like a mad woman!!! :) And......even more honesty......the purple towels are still on the loom.....and the waffle weave scarf is still on the other loom!!! Is it alright to let two projects sit like this while I go off and spin and dye yarn like it's going out of style? I sure hope so:) Last year at the Rhinebeck Sheep and Fiber Festival I purchased some top that I think may be a merino silk blend. It has wonderful luster and is super fine. While spinning it I thought for sure that it was just silk but, does carry some merino properties. Unfortunately it was not labeled so, I have no idea and ended up listi...

Knit a Little

So, every once in a while I knit a little. :) Usually knitting projects take me a while because I'm behind the wheel or loom. These little guys came highly requested from a recent sale in my Etsy shop. Well, when a request comes in, almost everything else goes on hold.......almost;) Someone had asked me to knit them up some dishcloths a while back and I was testing with sizes. I ended up making a couple of little itty bittys and didn't know what to do with them. Then........the epiphany!!! Here it is:

Fool me once shame on me....fool me twice shame on me again

Ok. I think that by now I should know that almost every project that I put on the loom is going to need floating selvedges. Duh. There is only one thing I hate more than adding them after the warp is all the way on the loom and I have thrown the first few picks......that's cold windy weather. Yuck. There is a good nightmare; weaving with yuckie selvedges outside while there is a blizzard. Good nightmare very well may be an oxymoron. Anyhoo!!! Here's the pattern. I may possibly go with some other color possibilities on these. Perhaps white and blues for the country look or maybe white, salmon, and red for a fun outdoor picnic look.


I love it when sales are up!!! Woo hoo!!! The white sashes are el-gone-o!!! Ahhh. The next project up on the loom is a set of kitchen/bathroom towels in shades of purple in a hound's tooth pattern. Warped from the front to the back:) Boy, I'm really procrastinating aren't I?

The Secret Project

Let me first start with the fact that the second issue of Sunrise Lodge Fiber Studio was a great success. We got a lot of really wonderful feedback and suggestions. One of which was for a tutorial video of how to knit the continental way. I'm happy to announce, that is in the works. Honestly, at this point, it is simply a matter of understanding software......something that takes time:) So a big thank you to everyone with your phone calls and beautiful emails. They were so appreciated and it is very encouraging to us to have your support:) The most current project has been kept secret because it is a gift. I apologize and wish greatly that I could post pictures because it is absolutely beautiful and cannot wait to once the gift is given. Perhaps changing the 'up next' to 'maybe up next' will be more appropriate . As each project unfolds, I find myself constantly on the look out for new inspiration in books, outside, magazines, people, the stash, etc..... ...