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Showing posts from November, 2019

The Creative Bug

     I caught it!  The creative bug!  With college courses over until the Spring, I've been creating and creating and creating. feels great to get back on track!  My goal is to really 'bust through my stash' of weaving yarn that I've had for years.  I keep having to remind myself NOT to buy anything because I have more than enough to work with right here!  :)  With a wide variety of 10/2 mercerized cotton on had, I decided to weave some towels.  The Digital Pinwheel set used 9 colors and I felt like they were on the loom forever even though I was happy with the results! If I'm using 9 colors, why not just jump to 11 colors?!  Since that thought made perfect sense, I wove these Rainbow Pinwheel Towels . Although these all came out happy and colorful, it looks like I barely touched my yarn stash!   Last year I purchased some additives such as novelty yarns, sequins, and Angelina and ...