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Showing posts from March, 2011

Obsessive Compulsive Order

I recently started watching a show called My Strange Addiction. It's dvr'd so, when I spin, I can watch it. It's really a neat show.....documenting people and their strange addictions. Eating pottery and ashes, makeup and shoe hoarding, and hair pulling....things like that. Perhaps the show is in my head.....but, I'm beginning to think that I may obsess compulsively over compulsively obsessing over my yarn! I mean.....I don't hoard. The stash is always turning over and I certainly wouldn't say no if another weaver came over and wanted a tube of my most precious silk. I don't buy yarn EVERY time I see it...........just if there's a good sale or an irresistible color! But.....truth be told.....I think I reorganize my 'currently using this stash' at least 4 times a week! Eeek ! It sooths me, makes me calm and, is there a such thing as obsessive compulsive order? Any way.........I've dressed the loom for another se...