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Showing posts from April, 2008

A Little of What has Been Going On

Tons to tell of here at Sunrise: We have found out that Ursula is pregnant after a long waited 6 years!!! Woo hoo !!! Congrats!!! We are so excited for her:) Chrissy has taken up weaving lessons from yours truly:) We have acquired yet another loom..........that would be #4:) You can never have too many:) We are now offering some different products. Okie dokie . With all of that has been an event filled month. Not only did we receive wonderful news of Ursula's pregnancy but, we are in the works of moving forward as a team. I always love to watch the way we work together and fill in each others cracks. I also love to watch us grow in our work. Sunrise Lodge Fiber Studio is looking to do a few shows again this summer as well as kick up the production another notch. Sales are up on hand spun yarn and I am hoping for the same with hand wovens come show time. I have opted, at this time, not to open a second Etsy shop for hand wovens. I'm back and forth on this const...