The step in a right direction is any step at all! I've been weaving and designing so much and I really haven't been taking the time to document and post the pictures......ok....ok......there are hardly ANY pictures of my finished work. I make, I sell, I have no picture! I'm really on a quest to change that! really.....I am! :) Look!

So the patterns made me happy. I know for the next run, which will be the same patterns but different colors, I'm going to pack my weft in a little tighter for a test! :) I sampled a small piece at the end of this run and think it's going to work out beautifully!
So! Back to the loom! I have the next run warped and half woven but my loom went ka put and I had to send a piece in for repair. Yuck! So in the meantime I'm going to be weaving some shibori scarves in chenille! Perfect for cold weather! :) Until next time! :)