Happy Resurrection Sunday!
Today is the big day! :) Big dinner, kids eating waaaay to much sugar and re-hiding eggs dozens of times, family getting caught up, and the promise of good weather to come. I love this time of year, not only for the fresh air but the over all feeling of new life. A new beginning.....it seems so appropriate, doesn't it?
There are lots of news things on this end. Lots of new good things:) I'm currently working on getting myself established at a 'new job' and may cancel some of the other odd jobs so that I can concentrate solely on one thus (hopefully) creating more time for me to be creative. I had wanted to start working on my C.O.E but have found that there is little to no time to put together what I need. Even the small tasks of defining words and describing various parts of the loom has become impossible. (notice the time between blog posts) But all in all, I guess that is part of the process for an artist working to make it;) Hopefully this concentration of work will alleviate some of the pressure. :) It's worth a try!
I've been weaving towels like a crazy woman. Pulling a set off of the loom every few days:) The show season is starting earlier this year and I'm looking forward to having some 'spring' items available. My friend Lynn and I have also started putting together some of our ideas for table settings. I think we might be at the point right now on getting colors right. We did a full day photo shoot last week and I'm really happy with the way things look together. I think the two opposite textures compliment each other quite well and the colors really really set each other off. Here are a few pictures from the shoot. Some of my favorites.

Next up on the loom I'm planning a painted rayon scarf. I had a ton of rayon I bought years ago and started playing with dyeing some of it. I think it's going to make a nice light springy scarf perfect for the Artist Showcase at the Byrdcliffe Guild Gallery next month! :)