I've been playing around for the past few days on and off with this original damask pattern. I was informed by Lynnette that converting this pattern to turned taquete may be ideal so naturally I have read everything I can get my hands on about turned taquete. I've yet to weave this particular structure (I'm a big twill fan) and am really impressed with what I've been finding. First......thank you so much dear, Lynnette;) I think this is going to be a lot of fun;)
I'm happy with this one but, wanted more more of the weft to shine through.
This is the back.
This one is closer to what I'm looking for but, now I need to devise a plan to tie down these really really long floats in the warp.........I'll spend some more time designing these and see what happens:)
I think I would like to take the curls on the bottom of the 'flower' and use them as a fill in type of pattern on the body of the scarf then use this motif on both ends with the points pointing toward the fringe. I do although, have a feeling that I will be sampling before weaving the scarf to test the hand.
In other news, I'm twisting the fringe on the chenille shibori scarves and am planning some overly bright colors........which never quite turn out the way I intend with cellulose fibers. I like the whole Christmas aspect....should be interesting:)
My darling sister-in-law and dear friend and I took the kids pumpkin pickin. They had so much fun. I don't quite think that they got the concept of actually picking the pumpkins. I think that they thought we were just walking through a field checking out pumpkins. :)
Much like his mother, Jeremiah feels the need to be 'extreme':)
And now......the examination of this pumpkin......will it be the one?!
Finally, I was tagged by Hilary (who is such a doll....thank you so much, dear, for you kind words about my weaving;) to give 10 random facts about me.....so, here I go:)
I'm happy with this one but, wanted more more of the weft to shine through.
This is the back.
This one is closer to what I'm looking for but, now I need to devise a plan to tie down these really really long floats in the warp.........I'll spend some more time designing these and see what happens:)
I think I would like to take the curls on the bottom of the 'flower' and use them as a fill in type of pattern on the body of the scarf then use this motif on both ends with the points pointing toward the fringe. I do although, have a feeling that I will be sampling before weaving the scarf to test the hand.
In other news, I'm twisting the fringe on the chenille shibori scarves and am planning some overly bright colors........which never quite turn out the way I intend with cellulose fibers. I like the whole Christmas aspect....should be interesting:)
My darling sister-in-law and dear friend and I took the kids pumpkin pickin. They had so much fun. I don't quite think that they got the concept of actually picking the pumpkins. I think that they thought we were just walking through a field checking out pumpkins. :)
Much like his mother, Jeremiah feels the need to be 'extreme':)
And now......the examination of this pumpkin......will it be the one?!
Finally, I was tagged by Hilary (who is such a doll....thank you so much, dear, for you kind words about my weaving;) to give 10 random facts about me.....so, here I go:)
- I am a Christian.......and if you told me that 10 years ago I would have laughed for hours.
- I have a wonderful relationship with my wonderful son.....who, by the way, is a wonderful person:)
- A three year old playing drums does not bother me in the slightest.
- I am terrible at making decisions..........for example.......what's for dinner? I never really know.
- My New Year's resolution for 2009 was to become more organized..........I've made significant progress:)
- I can't lie.
- I'm a hopeless romantic.
- I have my septum pierced but, seldom wear the ring out. (Septum is the middle of my nose....kinda gross but, it's been there for 13 years.....I figure why take it out?)
- When I run up the stairs I get happy for no reason and feel the need to clap. Must be something about the sudden change in elevation.
- I can spend hours in silence.
Ok.....so some of it was probably a little too much information but, it was fun:)
Here are my tags:
- http://dustbunniesundermyloom.blogspot.com/
- http://weeverwoman.blogspot.com/
- http://aspinnerweaver.blogspot.com/
- http://aspinnerweaver.blogspot.com/
- http://lilquiz.blogspot.com/
- http://rdl-artequalslife.blogspot.com/
- http://skiingweaver.blogspot.com/
- http://shirleytreasure.wordpress.com/
I'm not sure if I can do just 8 but, I think most of the other ones I read have been tagged. ;)
LOL, loved you're 10 things, how fun (and, I'm tellin' ya, we're on the same wave length, I've been trying to research turned taquete, too!!).