Here is what I've come up with so far. I think what I would like to do is make this so that it covers a large section of the fabric.
Sooooo the next step is to 'stretch' it out. I think I'll be playing with documenting how I find this process. Right now I have this whole pattern @ 62 ends. Well, if I use a yarn sett at 24 epi, I will only have a piece about 2 1/2" wide. Sooooooooo now I have to stretch this out;)
On another note. I was at Applefest in Warwick New York this past Sunday. It's basically a street fair with lots of food and vendors. They were expecting 35,000 people. I was quite pleased because I sold 1/3 of my handwoven inventory! Not too shabby:) I'm certainly one happy girl:) I really like to take notice of what pieces people look at the most. Everyone seemed to be very interested in the pieces that take me the most time in designing. This makes me shine from head to toe!!! I'm thrilled that my favorite pieces are noticed:) And the best news? Two of the Waves and Water shawls went at the same time to two different people!!!! And!!!! They were priced as they should be for the time that they took me not only to design but also to weave:)
I think I'm going to look into getting my Certificate of Excellence. I'm sorry to say that I'm only on episode 15 of Weavecast. I can only listen when I clean houses and I have about 5 different programs that I like on itunes. This particular episode was so inspiring because it talked of how you could push yourself forward in hand weaving and use each technique in the completion of the C.O.E. Well.....I'm inspired and I'm thinking that I would at least like to take a look. I didn't go to college for hand weaving/textiles. I only studied for a short time with a wonderful European woman who wove in the womb:) She was in her 70's when she first shared the art with me and I, still to this day, admire her for her studies. Other than that, I'm book/experience taught. Has anyone else out there started the C.O.E.? Is anyone out there interested in doing this too? :)
I toyed with the idea once, but I am pretty content doing what I'm doing.
I will do it vicariously through your blog!!!!
Love to hear about it.
Not enough time in my life at the moment to do COE, I hope it goes well for you.
Keep up the good work ♥Shirley