It's been a bit since I blogged but, I'm in show prep mode:) I'm hoping to kick it up a notch this year so, I've been busy.....don't worry, I goof off plenty:) Last weekend was Community Day at CFF and this is my third time going to do demos:) It's always a lot of fun to answer people's questions and show them how weaving is done:) Tons of kids.....tons of adults.....TONS of questions! All and all it was a great day.......the sun broke out of the clouds. Here I is:

Remember those Waves and Water shawls? The loom is threaded and I'm going to get those going soon.......when I got Isaac (the Megado) the box was missing a right upright beater and Louet has shipped the part (they were awesome about letting me borrow one from their loom until it came in) so, I've started working on a towel order. I'm really excited about the way this one is coming out. The person who ordered them asked me to go with a red and white 'star burst' type of pattern. When you say red and white....I think traditional table cloth.....this pattern was perfect because it encompassed both ideas and she was ecstatic....which made me ecstatic! I'm using a pattern from the 8 Shaft Weaver's Book (might have the title a little off). Straight twill! Loving this:
The Compact is a great little loom. I'm very comfortable weaving on it.....I do have to say this.....I'm simply AMAZED at the 'no strain' that I have when dressing the Louet Megado. I know that this was something that they took into consideration when designing these looms.....a job well done!
I was also asked to weave a set of towels with Pinecones on them..........this is going to be a blast.....once Waves and Water is off Isaac, I'm really going to have some fun weaving pictures:)
Lastly.....and it is by NO MEANS a last thing at all:) I share a lot about my weaving on this blog and usually leave out all the spinning and motherhood stuff. Spinning isn't half as interesting as weaving because I spin so darn much (which is fine.....seriously NO complaints there:) and motherhood ......well.....I wanted to share a little of that.
A little confession first.....a hem.....I've never really been much of a dog person.......please don't shoot me...I was bit by a German Shepherd and just never really liked dogs there after. I've always been a cat lover. I have two darling kitties that have been with me well over 13 years and I love them dearly. My husband, on the other hand, is a dog person. After complaining EVERY SINGLE DAY for the past three years about not having a dog, for Christmas.....he got one:) I have fallen in love with Xubi (pronounced Sue-Bee).....she is a simply amazing, silly doggie. I call her my beautiful princess (I'm rolling my eyes because if I could have only heard myself a year ago).......what I love about her most is that she is kind and gentle with my Jeremiah. She loves him......she looks for him....she plays with him.....she rocks! are my kids.....I love my real one better....but, I love the fuzzy one too:)

Xubi is a 9 month old 90lb South African Boerboel who thinks she is a teacup poodle.
Jeremaih is a 3 year old real boy who thinks he's Batman;)
I love your towels.......I made some rep weave towels this past year......I just got a sectional for my macomber, so I am going to make more.
Yours are inspiring!
Love the photos of your family too!