I should have the Organic Leaves Scarves done tonight and I have been working on my next project since I put them on the loom. I really wanted to use Bonnie Inouye's theory on placing a 'picture' on the fabric. (Check out her site, she is an amazing weaver!!!) I used a 3/1 twill to accomplish this pattern by placing a 3/1 twill outside of the pattern and a 1/3 inside. I think I have worked on this pattern for about 2 hours a day trying to get it 'just right'. (I am so thankful for computers.......could you imagine graph paper?) I think I've hit a point where I'm happy with the way it looks. I will be weaving this Star Scarf using 16 shafts so the edges are a little fuzzy but, I think the shape is there enough to get the idea that it is in fact a star. I am also thinking that four scarves would be ideal with this pattern, all on a silver warp with one blue, one purple, one black, and one white.
I love weaving!
So is your work. -Renee