You know all of that yarn left over after the pieces have been woven.....the extra little bit there 'just in case'? Maybe it's a foot or two or......three:) Well, I a long time ago I used to save it and use it in my, of course, I weave it and stick it off to the side until I can find a good use for it. A friend of mine has taken bits and pieces of my work and added bits and pieces of her work to it and we have come up with some really fun pieces.......some purses, some little bags....simple stuff. I am in awe of her most recent fun creations with some of the whites left over after weaving shibori scarves. So.....I wanted to share some of Elmo and Ike's fabulous creations;) Here's to you Holly;)

Aren't they lovely? You can check out her Etsy shop by going to . She has some wonderful wedding items.....and might I add unique......seriously! I'm in awe of her photography which usually includes fresh cut flowers and silky backgrounds.