My purpose for purchasing another loom was that I have been amazed my network drafting. I enjoy (fully) the mathematics involved and had a blast weaving some color study towels in a network draft. It seems to me that once I start to work on a pattern or start to plan out the ideas in my head, I find that if I had more shafts than 8 (say 12 to 16) I could achieve exactly what I would like to see. Basically the style that I find myself attracted to is the loops and swirls that network drafting is able to achieve. This all is not to say that I do not absolutely love the look of traditional hand woven coverlets or enjoy a plain weave or bird's eye twill. I'm just saying that I think the way my mind works is geared towards a multi-shaft loom. Call me crazy but, dressing the loom is my favorite part. :) Designing at a VERY close second.
Here's the 'bad' part. I recently sat back to watch a weaver work on his 32 shaft Megado. Ummm, yeah. I think that one is next:) Why does that make me feel like the Children of Israel caught in the wilderness.......? I will probably name that one Isaac:)
Ultimately the plan is to get used to and LOVE with all of my weaver's heart, Diana. My husband woke me up at 5:04am to ask me why in the world the lights were on and the wood stove out!? I don't even know. All I remember from last night is that my eyes hurt from drawing and erasing and clicking and pointing and counting and saving. Ha!!! My brain fell asleep and so did I. Oh the fantastic thrill of designing leaves me pooped every time:) Well, here is a picture of Diana with the front beam off, something I was VERY happy about. I did not put this loom together even though she is brand spankin new and thankfully it fit in the car without having to take her apart.
I wish I could show what the draft I was working on by I'm not computer savvy enough to get the image on here. It is going to be a large polka-dot pattern on a charcoal warp and one in yellow, purple, and a possible white or black. The picture above shows Diana with the front beam off and my current bench in pulled in to the castle. I just ordered another 'adjustable' bench since this one is WAY too high. Well, that's it for now. I'll be back to report more soon:)