There is nothing we enjoy more than seeing yarn that was spun here at Sunrise used in projects. We have agreed that it is not only so much fun to see but, very inspiring as well. I wanted to take this blog this week to look at a few items made from yarn from Sunrise Lodge Fiber Studio. The names of the items and shops can be found under each. We hope you enjoy looking at them as much as we do........and please, visit their shops:)
This hat was crocheted by . See her shop for some fantastic hats and some of the best slippers around:)
This scarf was crocheted by . KJ is wonderful!!! She has done magnificent work for Sunrise Lodge Fiber Studio. She has designed not only the banners you see on our website and Etsy store, but our mailing labels, new business cards, and our fabulous yarn labels as well:)

These hand knit fingerless mits were knit by . She offers a wonderful selection of hand dyed sock yarn as well as fabulous tablet woven trim and stitch markers:)
Can you believe how amazing these are?!?!?!?! Hand knit by . They are what we refer to as the 'bombest' here at Sunrise. :) Check out this shop for pillows, magnets, or a beautiful selection of scarfettes:)