Well, I guess it happens to the best of us. Yeah, you've got it. Time to update, fix, recolor (a little) and get the web site rocking and rolling. I have put it off WAY too long:) Due to some technical stuff with the shopping service we were using, we decided that it is in our best interest to use only Etsy as our online shopping cart at this time. Etsy has been absolutely wonderful to us and they offer a wonderful community environment. What better way to show our appreciation than to give back?
I can say that we are very thankful to the online community. It has been a wonderful pleasure exploring what all of the Internet has to offer. It's also very nice to actually meet people at shows, which we will continue to do and increase year to year. We also have in the works for next year a brand new line of painted roving, hand dyed yarn, hand spun yarn, and, of course, finished products online. Until this point a majority of the 'finished' items (hand wovens and knits) have been mostly only available in boutiques, galleries, and shows. Although these items will still be available in those locations, we are planning on showing more finished items for sale online.
Now to the fun stuff:) PICTURES!!!
Yarn inspired by a pair of P.J.s:)
Oh so very funky!!!
Classic sweet soft alpaca from Galieon:)